Animal Cells and Tissues gk mcq

1. Blubber is–
(A) A milky secretion of rubber plant
(B) A layer of thick fat
(C) A device to trap insects by some aquatic
(D) Fungal infection of rice plants
Ans. (B)

2. Which one of the following is known as the ‘Immovable Property’ in the cell?
(A) Carbohydrate
(B) Fat
(C) Protein
(D) Nucleic acid
Ans. (D)

3. DNA in a cell is a–
(A) Carboxylic acid (B) Nucleic acid
(C) Amino acid
(D) Fatty acid
Ans. (B)

4. Hyperplasia means–
(A) Abnormal increase in number of cells
(B) An increase in size of a cell
(C) Excessive motility of muscle
(D) Voracious eating
Ans. (A)

5. The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is–
(A) Cell
(B) Tissue
(C) Organ
(D) Systems
Ans. (A)

6. Of which tissue nails, hoofs and horns are made of–
(A) Cuticle
(B) Chitin
(C) Keratin
(D) Tunicin
Ans. (C)

7. Which one of the following is called the ‘Digestive Bag’ in the cell?–
(A) Golgi body
(B) Mitochondrion
(C) Ribosome
(D) Lysosome
Ans. (D)
8. Which of the following organelles is called ‘Atom Bombs’?
(A) Microtubules
(B) Nucleolus
(C) Golgi bodies
(D) Lysosome
Ans. (D)

9. The largest cell in the human body is–
(A) Nerve Cell
(B) Muscle Cell
(C) Liver Cell
(D) Kidney Cell
Ans. (A)

10. Which one of the following cells produce antibodies?
(A) Eosinophil
(B) Monocyte
(C) Basophil
(D) Lymphocytes
Ans. (D)

11. The cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are–
(A) Red blood cell
(B) Neutrophils
(C) Lymphocytes
(D) Platelets
Ans. (C)

12. Which cells in our body have the least regenerative power?
(A) Brain cells
(B) Muscle cells
(C) Bone cells
(D) Liver cells

13. Which among the following bears smallest living cell?
(A) Bacterium
(B) Mycoplasma
(C) Virus
(D) Yeast
Ans. (A)

14. Which cell disorder in our body is responsible
in colour blindness?
(B) Cone cell
(C) Rod Cell
(D) Neuron
Ans. (B)

15. What are the basic units from which human spare parts can be created?
(A) Nerve cells
(B) Stem cells
(C) Heart cells
(D) Kidney cells
Ans. (B)

16. Adherent mucoid alkaline substance coverin the inner lining of stomach is to-
(A) Digest starch
(B) Act against bacteria
(C) Prevent the action of pepsin of mucosa
(D) Prevent viral infection
Ans. (C)

17. Cell or tissue death within a living body is called as-
(A) Neutrophilia
(B) Nephrosis
(C) Necrosis
(D) Neoplasia
Ans. (C)

18. The tissue in man where no cell division occur after birth is
(A) Skeletal
(B) Nerves
(C) Conective
(D) Germinal
Ans. (B)

19. Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterised by abnormal increase of the
(A) Red blood cells
(B) White blood cells
(C) Blood platelets
(D) Blood plasma
Ans. (B)

20. The biological death of a patient means the death of tissues of the
(A) kidney
(B) heart
(C) brain
(D) lungs
Ans. (C)

21. In the human body, fats are stored in the-
(A) Epidermis
(B) Adipose tissue
(C) Liver
(D) Epithelium
Ans. (B)

22. Which of the following cells secrete insulin?
(A) Heart
(B) Veins
(C) Nerve cells
(D) Beta cells
Ans. (D)

23. A cellulosic wall is found in the cells of-
(A) Animals
(B) Bacteria
(C) Fungi
(D) Plants
Ans. (D)

24. Which of the following is a fibrous protein?
(A) Haemoglobin (B) Albumin
(C) Keratin
(D) Enzymes
Ans. (C)

25. A prokaryotic cell does not have which of the following?
(A) Ribosomes
(B) Cell membrane
(C) Nucleus
Ans. (C)

26. Which of the following is not a connective tissue?
(A) Adipose Tissue
(B) Compact Bone
(C) Cardiac Muscle
(D) Areolar Tissue
Ans. (C)

27. Which of the following is considered as physical basis of life?
(A) Cell wall
(B) Cell membrane
(C) Mitochondria
(D) Protoplasm
Ans. (D)

28. The body of all complex animals consist of only _______ basic types of tissue(s).
(A) 4000
(B) 400
(C) 40
(D) 4
Ans. (D)

29. Which among the following does not have a cell wall?
(A) Euglena
(B) Paramecium
(C) Gonyaulax
(D) Mycoplasma
Ans. (D)

30. Which among the following is not a connective tissue?
(A) Blood
B) Bone
(C) Skin
(D) Cartilage
Ans. (C)

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