1. The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as–
(A) Cytology
(B) Histology
(C) Psychology
(D) Physiology
Ans. (A)
2. The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is–
(A) Cell
(B) Tissue
(C) Organ
(D) Systems
Ans. (A)
3. Plasma membrane in Eukaryotic cells is made up of–
(A) Phospholipid
(B) Lipoprotein
(C) Phospholipo-protein
(D) Phospho-protein
Ans. (A)
4. Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles are treated as Prokaryotic cells within the Eukaryotic cells?
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Golgi bodies
(C) Lysosomes
(D) Glyoxysomes
Ans. (A)
5. Cell or Tissue death within a living body is called as–
(A) Neutrophils
(B) Nephrosis
(C) Necrosis
(D) Neoplasia
Ans. (C)
6. The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is–
(A) Endoplasmic Reticulum
(B) Nucleus
(C) Chloroplast
(D) Chromoplast
Ans. (C)
7. Which one of the following is also called the ‘Power Plants’ of the cell?
(A) Golgi body
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Ribosome
(D) Lysosome
Ans. (B)
8. Which of the following is true?
(A) DNA is the genetic material in most of the organism
(B) RNA is the genetic material in most viruses and bacteria
(C) DNA is the genetic material in all the viruses
(D) RNA is the gentic material in all the viruses
Ans. (A)
9. Who among the following analysed DNA for the first time?
(A) Arthur Kornberg
(B) Hargobind khurana
(C) M. W. Nirenberg
(D) Waton and Crick
Ans. (A)
10. Which among the following bears smallest living cell?
(A) Bacterium
(B) Mycoplasma
(C) Virus
(D) Yeast
Ans. (A)
11. Which of the following is a correct description of ‘tissue culture’?
(A) Conservation of forests and plantation
(B) Growth and propagation of horticultural crops
(C) Science of cultivating animal tissue in artificial medium
(D) Protection of wild animls
Ans. (C)
12. Bark of this tree is used as a condiment-
(A) Cinnamon
(B) Clove
(C) Neem
(D) Palm
Ans. (A)
13. Name the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves in plants.
(A) Pits
(B) Stomata
(C) Trichomes
(D) Hydathodes
Ans. (B)
14. The plant that behaves as a root parasite is
(A) Ficus
(B) Santalum
(C) Cuscuta
(D) Euphorbia
Ans. (C)
15. In which of the following multiple epidermis is found?
(A) Boerhavia
(B) Amaranthus
(C) Helianthus
(D) Nerium
Ans. (D)
16. The concept of tissue culture was introduced by
(A) Halfmeister
(B) Hanstein
(C) Haberlandt
(D) Hanning
Ans. (C)
17. The cuticle is absent in
(A) Leaf (B) Stem
(C) Root (D) Fruit
Ans. (C)
18. The special modif ied epidermal cells surrounding stomatal pore are called
(A) Epithelial cells
(B) Guard cells
(C) Subsidiary cells
(D) Accessory cells
Ans. (B)
19. Intercalary meristems are found in
(A) Node
(B) Lateral bud
(C) Terminal bud
(D) Inter node
Ans. (D)
20. Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because
(A) Their mesophyll is not diffentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
(B) They have stomata on both sides of the leaf
(C) They have high levels of silica
(D) They have specialised bulli form cells
Ans. (D)
21. From which part of opium plant we get morphine?
(A) Leaves
(B) Stem
(C) Bark
(D) Fruit coat
Ans. (D)
22. Outside the nucleus DNA is found in-
(A) Golgi bodies
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Ribosome
(D) Endoplasmic reticulum
Ans. (B)
23. Morphology of Chromosomes can be best studied at
(A) Interphase
(B) Prophase
(C) Metaphase
(D) Zygotene
Ans. (C)
24. Stem cells which are capable of developing into other types of cells come from the
(A) Roots
(B) Stem
(C) Embryo
(D) Flower
Ans. (C)
25. Plant cell wall is made up of
(A) Cellulose
(B) Glucose
(C) Fructose
(D) Sucrose
Ans. (A)
26. Which of the following organisms does not fit
into the Cell Theory?
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus
(C) Fungi
(D) Plants
Ans. (B)
27. _____ are a group of chemicals that influence cell division and shoot formation.
(A) Cytokinins
(B) Gibberellins
(C) Domins
(D) Auxins
Ans. (A)
28. In eukaryotic cells sythesis of RNA takes place in the____.
(A) Mithochondria
(B) Centrioles
(C) Ribosomes
(D) Nucleus
Ans. (D)
29. Which of the following is the Controlling Center of the Cell?
(A) Nucleus
(B) Plasma
(C) Lysosome
(D) Chromosome
Ans. (A)
30. The suicidal bags of the cell are-
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Ribosomes
(C) Dictyosomes
(D) Phagosomes
Ans. (A)
31. What is the transplantation of graft between genetically identical individuals ?
(A) Autograft
(B) Isograft
(C) Allograft
(D) Xenograft
Ans. (B)
32. The xylem in plants are responsible for:
(A) Transport of water
(B) Transport of food
(C) Transport of amino acids
(D) Transport of oxygen
Ans. (A)
33. Which liquid is contained inside the nucleus of a cell?
(A) Cytoplasm
(B) Protoplasm
(C) Nucleoplasm
(D) Nucleosome
Ans. (C)
34. Which of the following cell organelle is present only in plant cell?
(A) Mitochondria (B) Cell wall
(C) Cell membrane (D) Vacuole
Ans. (B)
35. Endoplasmic Reticulum are rough because of _____ present on their surface.
(A) Golgi bodies (B) Plastids
(C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
Ans. (D)
36. Which of the following cell organelle is present in both plant and animal cell?
(A) Cell wall
(B) Lysosomes
(C) Chloroplasts
(D) Mitochondria
Ans. (D)
37. What is the nature of cell membrane?
(A) Permeable
(B) Semi-permeable
(C) Non-permeable
(D) Freely permeable
Ans. (B)
38. Which of the following cell organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?
(A) Golgi bodies
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Nucleus
(D) Lysosomes
Ans. (B)
39. Which of the following cell organelle is also called as ‘Suicidal Bag of Cell’?
(A) Mitochondria
(B) Nucleus
(C) Nucleolus
(D) Lysosomes
Ans. (D)
40. Which of the following cell organells are present only in plant cell?
(A) Cell membrane
(B) Cell wall
(C) Mitochondria
(D) Lysosomes
Ans. (B)
41. Cellulose is an example of which kind of nutrient?
(A) Fat (B) Carbohydrate
(C) Protein (D) Vitamin
Ans. (B)
42. Which of the following cell organells are present only in plant cell?
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Plastids
(C) Cell membrane
(D) Mitochondria
Ans. (B)
43. What is the name of a group of similar cells performing a specific function?
(A) Tissue
(B) Organ
(C) Organ system
(D) Cellular organization
Ans. (A)
44. Plant tissues are of how many types?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 6
Ans. (A)
45. What is plant cell wall mainly composed of?
(A) Lipids
(B) Vitamin
(C) Cellulose
(D) Protein
Ans. (C)
46. The meristem which occurs between mature tissues is known as _________meristem.
(A) Intercalary
(B) Primary
(C) Lateral
(D) Apical
Ans. (A)