Type, Properties and Wave Motion
1. When a stone is thrown in calm water of a pond waves produced are-
(A) Longitudinal wave
(B) Transverse wave
(C) Both A and B
(D) Wave does not Produced
Ans. (C)
2. Which instrument can be used to study the wave form of a signal?
(A) Spectrometer
(B) Oscilloscope
(C) Sonometer
(D) P-n Junction diode
Ans. (B)
3. What is found in frequency modulation?
(A) Fixed frequency
(B) Fixed dimension
(C) Change in frequency and dimension
(D) Change in dimension only
Ans. (B)
4. These waves cannot be transmitted through vacuum
(A) Light
(B) Sound
(C) Heat
(D) Electromagnetic
Ans. (B)
5. Stationary wave is formed by
(A) A transverse wave superposing a longitudinal wave
(B) Two waves of the same speed superposing
(C) Two waves of same frequency travelling in the same direction
(D) Two waves of same frequency travelling in
the opposite direction
Ans. (D)
6. Intensity of any wave is proportional to which of the following?
(A) Amplitude
(B) Square of amplitude
(C) Square root of amplitude
(D) Cube of amplitude
Ans. (B)
7. The reverse effect of X-ray emission is
(A) Raman Effect
(B) Compton Effect
(C) Zeeman Effect
(D) Photoelectric Effect
Ans. (D)
8. Which of the following waves can not be polarized.
(A) Radio
(B) Ultraviolet
(C) Infrared
(D) Ultrasonic
Ans. (D)
9. Which one of the fo l lowing is not an electromagnetic wave?
(A) X-ray
(B) Gamma-ray
(C) Cathode Ray
(D) Infrared
Ans. (C)
10. Which of the fo l lowing has the lowest frequency?
(A) Visible Ray
(B) Gamma Ray
(C) X-Ray
(D) Ultraviolet Rays
Ans. (A)
11. Every hot object emits
(A) X-rays
(B) Visible light
(C) Infrared Rays
(D) Ultraviolet Rays
Ans. (C)
12. Which of the following is not true about X-rays?
(A) Have low penetrating power
(B) Travel with the speed of light
(C) Can be reflected or refracted
(D) Can affect photographic plates.
Ans. (A)
13. In which region of electromagnetic spectrum
does the Lyman series of Hydrogen atom lie
(A) Visible (B) Infrared
(C) Ultraviolet (D) X-Ray
Ans. (C)
14. Which of these travels in glass with minimum velocity
(A) Red light
(B) Violet Light
(C) Green Light
(D) Yellow Light
Ans. (B)
15. X-Rays are
(A) Positively charged particles
(B) Negatively charged particles
(C) Neutral particles
(D) None of these
Ans. (C)
16. The damage of the human body due to radiation
(X-Rays or g-rays) is measured in
(A) Rems
(B) Roentgen
(C) Curei
(D) Rads
Ans. (D)
17. Transition ions absorb light in region
(A) Infrared
(B) Ultraviolet
(C) Microwave
(D) Visible
Ans. (D)
18. Green house effect is the heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere which is due to
(A) The Ultraviolet Rays
(B) Gamma-rays
(C) The infrared rays
(D) X-rays
Ans. (C)
19. Ind icate the correct arrangement for electromagnetic radiation in order of their increasing wavelength
(A) Microwave, Infrared, Visible, X-Rays
(B) X-Rays, Visible, Infrared, Microwave
(C) Visible, Infrared, Microwave, X-Rays
(D) X-rays, Infrared, Visible, Microwave
Ans. (B)
20. Which of the following supports particle nature of photons?
(A) Diffraction
(B) Polarization
(C) Photoelectric effect
(D) Interference
Ans. (C)
21. Matter waves are
(A) de Broglie waves
(B) Electromagnetic waves
(C) Transverse waves
(D) longitudinal waves
Ans. (A)
22. Which electromagnetic radiation is used for satellite communication?
(A) Ultraviolet
(B) Infrared
(C) Microwave
(D) Millimeter wave
Ans. (C)
23. The radiation initially produced in fluorescent tube is
(A) Infrared
(B) Ultraviolet
(C) Microwaves
(D) X-Rays
Ans. (B)
24. Waves that are required for long distance wireless communication are
(A) Infrared Rays
(B) Ultraviolet Rays
(C) Radio waves
(D) Microwaves
Ans. (C)
25. Ultra violet radiations of the Sun do not reach the earth because, earth’s atmosphere issurrounded by
(A) Carbon dioxide
(B) Ammonia
(C) Chlorine
(D) Ozone
Ans. (D)
26. Gamma rays can cause
(A) Gene mutation
(B) Sneezing
(C) Iodine
(D) Sodium chloride
Ans. (A)
27. Ultraviolet radiations has more energy as compare to-
(A) Infrared Radiation
(B) Gamma Radiation
(C) X-Rays
(D) Space Rays
Ans. (A)
28. Ultraviolet rays can be used in water treatment as
(A) Precipitator
(B) Hydrolyser
(C) Disinfectant
(D) Flocculator
Ans. (C)
29. The device used for measuring the wavelength of X-rays is:
(A) Cyclotron
(B) Bragg’s Spectrometer
(C) Mass spectrometer
(D) GM counter
Ans. (B)
30. Radar is used to-
(A) To locate submerged submarines.
(B) Receive signal from radio receivers.
(C) Detect and locate distant objects.
(D) Locate geostationary satellites.
Ans. (C)
31. Who is the inventor of RADAR?
(A) H.N. Van Tessel
(B) William K. Rontgen
(C) P.T. Farnswarth
(D) A.H. Taylor and Lio C. Young
Ans. (D)
32. Who discovered X-Rays?
(A) Roentgen
(B) Becquerel
(C) Marie curie
(D) Wan Loo
Ans. (A)
33. The least penetrating power ray is —
(A) -rays
(B) -ray
(C) -rays
(D) X-ray
Ans. (A)
34. X-rays can be used.
(A) To detect defects in precious stones and diamonds.
(B) To detect heart diseases.
(C) To detect gold under the earth
(D) For cutting and welding of metals.
Ans. (A)
35. Wavelength of visible spectrum is –
(A) 1300 Å– 3000 Å
(B) 3900 Å – 7600 Å
(C) 7800 Å – 8000 Å
(D) 8500 Å – 9800 Å
Ans. (B)
36. In a Filament type Light bulb most of the electric power consumed appear as –
(A) Visible Light
(B) Infrared Light
(C) Ultraviolet
(D) Fluorescent Light
Ans. (B)
37. Which of the following is used in MRI machine?
(A) Sound wave
(B) X-rays
(C) Ultrasonic wave
(D) Magnetic wave
Ans. (D)
38. A wavelength of 0.3 m is produced in air and it travels at a speed of 300 m/s. Then it will be an-
(A) Audible wave
(B) Ultrasonic
(C) Microwave
(D) Infrasonic
Ans. (A)
39. Bolometer is used to measure which of the
(A) Frequency
(B) Temperature
(C) Velocity
(D) Wavelength
Ans. (B)
40. Coolidge tube is used to produce
(A) Radio waves
(B) Micro waves
(C) X-rays
(D) Gamma rays
Ans. (C)
41. Which of the following parts of the sunlight makes the solar cooker hot?
(A) Ultraviolet
(B) Red light
(C) Infrared
(D) Cosmic rays
Ans. (C)
42. When a vehicle passes, TV reception gets distorted. This is because
(A) Metal reflects radiowaves
(B) Spark plug creates electromagnetic disturbances
(C) Vehicle pollution affects the performance of
the TV components
(D) Modern vehicles use electro-ignition system
43. Where are mesons found?
(A) Cosmic rays
(B) X-rays
(C) Gamma rays
(D) Laser beam
Ans. (A)
44. What is the full form of ‘AM’ regarding radio broadcasting?
(A) Amplitude Movement
(B) Anywhere Movement
(C) Amplitude Matching
(D) Amplitude Modulation
Ans. (D)
45. The scientist who first sent electromagnetic waves to distant places is
(A) James Clerk Maxwell
(B) Heinrich Hertz
(C) Thomas Alva Edison
(D) John Logie Baird
Ans. (B)
46. Gamma rays have greatest similarity with
(A) -rays
(B) -rays
(C) X-rays
(D) U.V.-rays
Ans. (C)
47. The audio signals of TV are
(A) Amplitude modulated
(B) Frequency modulated
(C) Unmodulated
(D) Velocity modulated
Ans. (B
48. Tape recorder should not be kept near one of the following things:
(A) Clock
(B) Magnet
(C) Electrical switchboard
(D) Radio
Ans. (B)
49. Night photography and photography in mist and fog are possible using
(A) Ultra-violet radiation
(B) Infra-red radiation
(C) Microwave radiation
(D) Gamma radiation
Ans. (B)
50. Forged documents are detected by
(A) Ultraviolet rays
(B) Infra-red rays
(C) Beta rays
(D) Gamma rays
Ans. (A)
51. In the remote contro l of te levision ,
electromagnetic waves used are
(A) Ultraviolet
(B) Microwave
(C) Radiowave
(D) Infrared
Ans. (D)
52. Which of the following radiations has the least
(A) X-rays
(B) -rays
(C) -rays
(D) -rays
Ans. (C)
53. A seconds pendulum is a pendulum whose time
period is —
(A) 1 sec
(B) 4 sec
(C) 3 sec
(D) 2 sec
Ans. (D)
54. What is the motion which repeats itself after regular interval of time?
(A) Periodic Motion
(B) Simple Harmonic Motion
(C) Undamping Motion
(D) Vibratory Motion
Ans. (A)
55. Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?
(A) Radio
(B) Infrared
(C) Microwaves
(D) Gamma-rays
Ans. (D)
56. ______ are used for communication in artificial
(A) Infrared waves
(B) Radio waves
(C) Ultraviolet (UV) rays
(D) Amplitude Modulation (A.M.) waves
Ans. (B)
57. What is the distance between a crest and a
consecutive trough in a transverse wave?
(A) Wavelength
(B) Amplitude
(C) Half of the wavelength
(D) Twice of wavelength
Ans. (C)
58. Which one of the following is not a property of electromagnetic waves?
(A) Electromagnetic waves do not show interference and diffraction.
(B) Oscillating electric field and magnetic field are perpendicular to each other.
(C) Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves
(D) Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate.
Ans. (A)
59. The time taken by a pendulum to complete one oscillation is called its?
(A) Maximum speed
(B) Average speed
(C) Time period
(D) Time interval
Ans. (C)